3 Ways Attorneys Help Whistleblowers Maximize Financial Rewards

Whistleblowers are important resources to stop dangerous or illegal activity by organizations. Without their efforts and willingness to come forward, many companies would never be made to stop these activities.

Are you considering becoming a whistleblower? Then, now is a good time to meet with an attorney. Why? Although your personal protection is paramount, legal representation will also increase your chances of a financial reward. Here are three ways they do that. 

1. Creating a Strategy

There are a number of routes to being a whistleblower. You may, for instance, want to maintain anonymity so as to avoid reprisals. However, anonymity could infringe on your ability to claim financial rewards you might otherwise be entitled to. Which is more important? And is there a way to accomplish both goals?

Whistleblowers are often ordinary citizens who are not legal experts. However, whistleblowing can be some of the most complex legal matters they will engage in. So the best way to find the right strategy for your case is to have a legal expert on your side. 

2. Representing Anonymous Persons

In some cases, you may be able to remain anonymous while still getting credit for your efforts. Whistleblowers who want to report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, for example, are generally barred from reporting anonymously unless they have an attorney to represent them. Engaging such an attorney protects you while still allowing you to cooperate with governmental agencies. 

3. Working With Investigators

Some evidence provided by whistleblowers is damning even to the most casual observer. However, other evidence may not be as exciting on its surface. If yours falls into the second category, a good attorney will help you work with investigators to see the full impact of what you brought them.

This is important because rewards are generally calculated based on the value of the whistleblower's evidence and how much it contributes to recovery. Your team may need to convince investigators that your evidence was crucial or that it provided a bigger benefit than that of another source. Government agencies may not be inclined to hand out big rewards if they don't feel such are warranted. 

Where to Start

The first step for any whistleblower should be to consult with an experienced attorney. While you have many protections and can reap rewards, there are also risks. Meet with a lawyer in your state who specializes in whistleblowing cases today to learn about all your options and get expert guidance. 

For more information, contact a whistleblower attorney near you.

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