What You Need To Know About Sick Building Syndrome

Though workers' compensation is commonly associated with injuries that occur at the workplace or during the course of work-related duties, illnesses that occur due to the time you spend at work may also be covered. One work-related illness that some workers experience is sick building syndrome. Keep reading for important information about this occupational illness. 

An Explanation of Sick Building Syndrome

As the name suggests, sick building syndrome occurs when the building that you're working in causes your symptoms. Typically, there's some type of environmental factor in the building that causes frequent occupants of the space to be sick.

Most individuals with sick building syndrome find that their symptoms improve once they leave their workplace. Usually (but not always) multiple employees experience symptoms associated with sick building syndrome. 

Some of the most common symptoms associated with sick building syndrome include the following:

  • Headaches
  • Respiratory irritation
  • Skin irritation
  • Fever
  • Muscle Pain

Sick building syndrome can be caused by buildings of all ages. Some mistakenly assume that a building needs to be old (and perhaps outfitted with materials that aren't up to code), but the reality is that new buildings are also capable of causing this occupational illness.

For example, a new building might be designed in a way that doesn't promote optimal air quality. The poor air quality in the building can cause the workers to experience signs of respiratory distress. 

Workers' Compensation Cases Related to Sick Building Syndrome Require Evidence

Unfortunately, anecdotal evidence isn't sufficient to prove you're suffering from sick building syndrome and should receive workers' compensation. Instead, you need to have some type of evidence that indicates the building is causing your illness.

This evidence may be procured in a few different ways. One option is to have the building inspected for factors that are known to negatively impact worker health, such as mold or mildew. Another alternative is to test the air quality in various areas of the building to determine if poor air quality is a contributing cause of sick building syndrome. 

You should also have medical records that indicate the symptoms you're suffering are due to sick building syndrome and not an illness that causes comparable symptoms. If you've been experiencing symptoms of respiratory distress, like coughing, difficulty breathing, and tightness in the chest, you need to be able to prove that you underwent tests to rule out illnesses with similar symptoms, such as asthma, pneumonia, and the flu. An attorney that handles workers' compensation litigation can assist you with gathering the necessary evidence to build your case. Reach out to a firm like Weathers Law Firm, LLC, for more information.

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If you're in an auto accident and sustain serious injuries, who do you call for help? How do you pay for your medical bills and personal expenses while you recover? If you can't find the answers to these questions, then you need a personal injury attorney. A personal injury attorney works hard to get you the money you need after a life-changing accident. He or she investigates your accident from start to finish. Getting your life back on track after a devastating car accident isn't easy. But with an attorney representing your case, it's possible. If you need additional guidance on how to find a personal injury lawyer or if you have questions about your compensation, read my blog. It gives you the answers and solutions you need now.


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